Category Archives: My So-Called Life

My life

Christmas Meme

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? I’ve actually never tried Egg Nog that I can remember. haha 2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Most wrapped. Usually 1 or 2 things not wrapped. 3. Colored … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggin' It, Holidaze, Me, Myself, & I, MeMe, My So-Called Life, Other Family, The Fab 4, Tis the Season | Tagged | Leave a comment

Music Memories

I love music. I always have. I remember getting my first tape in 2nd grade, which was Michael Jackson. Eesh! Anyway, so now when I listen to music each song brings back a particular memory…

Posted in Entertain me, In My Free Time, My So-Called Life | Tagged | Leave a comment

I Fell on my A**

Today I was coming down the stairs with the dirty clothes hampers. I missed a step and tumbled down the stairs, only to land on my tailbone! I heard and felt something go “CRUNCH!” It hurt so bad. Monkey Boy … Continue reading

Posted in Cleaning, I am Woman..., Life's a Beach, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Rantin' and Ravin' | Tagged | 2 Comments

Pics from our trip in Baton Rouge

Posted in My So-Called Life, My Travels, On the Road Again, Other Family, Pics Pics Pics, The Fab 4 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Back to the old grind…

We got back last night and today it was back to the old grind. I’m exhausted and now thinking about Christmas, uh! It just doesn’t seem like Christmas time. I tried shopping today, but just ended up with a few … Continue reading

Posted in Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Other Family | Tagged | 1 Comment

Sad News…..

Mr. Mag’s Dad called today. He had sad new. Mr. Mag’s Granddad, PawPaw, passed away today. So that will alter our plans for the weekend. We’re still gonna head up to Mr. Mag’s Mom and Step-dad’s house tomorrow to celebrate … Continue reading

Posted in Drew, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, Other Family, Prayer Request, The Fab 4, Turkey Time | Tagged | 9 Comments

Getting ready for Turkey Day

Last night we went to Johnny Carino’s, which was really awesome. Before we went out to eat we purchased all the stuff we need for Thanksgiving. Although, we’re not having Thanksgiving here, I’m doing some sides and Mr. Mag is … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, Eat?, Holidaze, Home Sweet Home, My So-Called Life, Shoppin', The Fab 4, Turkey Time | Tagged | 1 Comment

4 times in a Row

Yes, Auburn has beat Alabama 4 TIMES IN A ROW!!! Yesterday’s game was awesome. We went to the Bucket Shop Cafe, which had great atmosphere and tons of Auburn fans. We sat outside and watched the game. It was nice … Continue reading

Posted in Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, Sports Fan 101, War Eagle! | Tagged | 3 Comments

What were we thinking?

Uh! Pictures were NOT FUN! Monkey boy was not in a cooperative mood at all. He would hardly even sit in my lap for the family photo. And he sure as heck wasn’t sitting on a stool to take a … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Life's a Beach, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Rantin' and Ravin', The Fab 4 | Tagged | Leave a comment

What to Wear?

Tomorrow we have family portraits. I’m not thrilled about this, but we need to do it. Not only for the church directory but we need a new family portrait! So I’m trying to figure out what we’re going to wear … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Drew, Life's a Beach, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, Rantin' and Ravin', The Fab 4 | Tagged | 1 Comment