Category Archives: My So-Called Life

My life

Calgon take me away….

As if it weren’t difficult enough coming back from a week long vacation. Getting back to reality after a week away is just down right hard. We’ve also had (one or more) furry little creatures inhabit our home while we … Continue reading

Posted in Life's a Beach, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life | Tagged | Leave a comment

I’m not normally squeamish…

Today I took Drew to the dentist, because last week at his orthodontist appointment, they expressed that he was still having over crowding and they felt it necessary to remove 4 permanent teeth. Do this this will make more room … Continue reading

Posted in Drew, Life's a Beach, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life | Tagged | Leave a comment


What great timing! Saturday night before going to bed, I could tell I had some drainage on my throat, but we didn’t have the type of medicine that would really help. Or so I thought. Consequently, Sunday I woke up … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, I am Woman..., Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Turkey Time | Tagged | Leave a comment

My Current Obsessions

(1) Last week I discovered a very bad thing! It’s a site called: It’s basically a place for you to “pin” pictures that you like from all over the internet onto boards that you make and categorize. Click here to … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggin' It, Linky Love, Lists, My So-Called Life | Tagged | 1 Comment

And baby makes three…(part V)

I started writing this series several years ago and never finished this one… If you missed the first 4 posts, here’s links to them: Part I      Part II       Part III       Part IV … Continue reading

Posted in Drew, I am Woman..., Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life | Tagged | 1 Comment

110/365.2011 {Little Bits of Happiness}

I used to have plants. One of the things that made me feel “grown up” when I moved out on my own was to have plants and candles. LOL! That sounds so trivial, but it’s usually little things in life … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2011, My So-Called Life, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Scattered Thoughts!

Like I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been super busy with soccer league pictures. I finished up last night with taking the pictures. Now I’ve got to finish going through the pictures, editing, posting to galleries, sending emails, and … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Bloggin' It, Drew, Life's a Beach, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, Pics Pics Pics, The Fab 4, The Furballz | Tagged , | Leave a comment

[insert zany title here, please] updated

I just love when Rude Cactus does the posts of numbers. I’ve kept that in mind, trying to find a good time to do a post like that. Well, unfortunately the time has come. LOL! I was hoping it would … Continue reading

Posted in I am Woman..., Life's a Beach, Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life | Tagged | Leave a comment

First July 4th Trip 2010::Murphy, NC

Tuesday night the week before 4th of July, Rob was talking with his brother about finding something “fun” to do over the weekend. The last few years we have mainly hung out at home and enjoyed time with our neighbors. … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Drew, Featured, Fun Times, Holidaze, Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, My Travels, On the Road Again, Other Family, The Fab 4 | Tagged | 2 Comments

Library Story #1

Not sure if I’ve talked about my temporary evening job I’ve had since November. If you follow me on Facebook, you’re well aware. Anyway, it has been a true blessing. It really helped us survive Christmas. Unfortunately it has finally … Continue reading

Posted in Featured, Library Love, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, War Eagle! | Tagged | Leave a comment