Category Archives: My So-Called Life

My life

Being One with Nature and…


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Our Valentine’s Day

Today Rob and I celebrated Valentine’s Day. Remember how we celebrate it late. We had lunch at Red Lobster, while Uncle Nick watched the kids. I really enjoyed myself. We stuffed ourselves. We have so many leftovers, it’s not even … Continue reading

Posted in Eat?, Entertain me, Holidaze, Me, Myself, & I, Movies, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life | Tagged | 1 Comment


Whoever taught my 2 year old to scream needs to be hung by their toenails…

Posted in Alex, Mama Drama, My So-Called Life | Tagged | 1 Comment

Spring Break

Ok, why is it that work weeks creep by, but spring break flies by in the blink of an eye? It’s Wednesday already! Yes, I’m sorry for those of you who work year round and I know I’m lucky to … Continue reading

Posted in Cleaning, Life's a Beach, Mama Drama, My So-Called Life, Pics Pics Pics, Rantin' and Ravin' | Tagged , | Leave a comment


I haven’t had a lot to say lately, but I’m still here and reading your blogs. Today was the last day with kids, so tomorrow is just a work day. Then, SPRING BREAK! Hallelujah! Anyway, I’ll leave you with this … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Pics Pics Pics, Teacher Tales | Tagged | 1 Comment

Couldn’t help but laugh!

The funniest thing happened a few minutes ago. I was in the kitchen cooking and Monkey Boy was going around the room naming things he saw. He went over to the recycling can. He pulled out a Dr. Pepper can … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Mama Drama, My So-Called Life, The Fab 4 | Tagged | 1 Comment


Today Rob’s Mom and family came over. Alex opened his presents. After we went out for dinner, he threw up all over me. So needless to say, he’s not feeling well. On a happier note, here’s some pics from his … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Birthdays, Mama Drama, My So-Called Life, Other Family, Pics Pics Pics, The Fab 4 | Tagged | 7 Comments


It’s crazy that my baby is turning 2 on Tuesday! I just can’t believe it. Where HAS the time gone? It seems like just yesterday when he was born. We’re celebrating his birthday next weekend, because Rob’s mom and step … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Birthdays, Drew, Mama Drama, My So-Called Life | Tagged , | 1 Comment


I’ve been working on movies from video made with my new video camera. I’ve posted them over on my family site. If you’d like to see them, don’t hesitate to email or comment.

Posted in Entertain me, Mama Drama, My So-Called Life | Tagged | 1 Comment

Decisions: 5th to 3rd

This is really for me, but I decided to go ahead and post it. My boss told me today that he was going to have a 3rd and 4th grade position open for next year. He’s planning on opening those … Continue reading

Posted in Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Teacher Tales | Tagged | 1 Comment