Category Archives: My So-Called Life

My life

10 Things You Should Know about ALS

I know y’all have all seen the ALS Bucket Challenge. Many of you probably participated in it and I’m so grateful. I’m grateful that something so silly as dumping ice water on your head is what leads to the awareness … Continue reading

Posted in My So-Called Life, Other Family | Tagged | 11 Comments

You know you’re a Cub Scout/Boy Scout mom when….

1. An every year fall family activity is selling popcorn door-to-door through your neighborhood. 2. You have camping stuff piled up in your living room (year round). 3. You don’t think twice when your entire families clothes smell like smoke … Continue reading

Posted in Lists, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Pics Pics Pics, The Fab 4 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Emergency trip to Texas

This blog has a new home! See this post here.

Posted in Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, Other Family, Pics Pics Pics | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Having the Joy Sucked Out of You

I really hate when life and all it’s problems start to get to me. When I get that feeling that I swallowed a 10 lb. dumbbell, my fingers start to ache, and nervousness rushes through me from my head down … Continue reading

Posted in I am Woman..., Life's a Beach, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Rantin' and Ravin' | Tagged | Leave a comment

86.365 {Meds}

Still sick. Man, this infection is kicking my butt! 3rd day to miss work and I didn’t feel any better, so I went back to the doctor. They gave me 2 shots; antibiotic & steroid. Hopin’ I can get back … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2013, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life | 1 Comment

27.365 {Dislike}

Today’s prompt at Capture Your 365 is “Dislike.” On my to do list one of the things I needed to do was Laundry, next on my list was take my 365 pic for today. Laundry was on my mind and … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2013, Cleaning, Mama Drama, My So-Called Life, Photographer Chick, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics | Leave a comment


this was written awhile back… listen…. do you hear that? it is so loud. i can’t block it out. i can’t wish it away            ~believe me i’ve tried i’ve tried praying for it to stop. … Continue reading

Posted in Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life | Tagged | Leave a comment

Our Kitchen Progress

For the past few months I’ve eluded to the fact that we’ve had issues in our kitchen. I haven’t wanted to talk about it, because it’s really consumed so much of Rob and I. We’ve never made a home-owners claim … Continue reading

Posted in Home Sweet Home, Life's a Beach, Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, Tour of Homes | Tagged | 3 Comments

10.365 {Always on the Go}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

Year in Review 2012

My favorite moments of 2012: ================ [January] Hanging out in Atlanta with the family for Teenager’s 14th birthday. ================ [February] The week with my niece.

Posted in Bloggin' It, Mama Drama, My So-Called Life, Pics Pics Pics, The Fab 4 | Tagged | Leave a comment