Career Choices

I love Discovery Health Channel. I’m absolutely addicted! Although, my family is not so fond of it. I love Maternity Ward, Medical Incredible, The Critical Hour, and the list goes on!!! I can’t get enough of it. The thing is is that I can only watch it when my family is busy doing other stuff, because they don’t like seeing all that blood and guts. I understand there are a lot of people that don’t enjoy seeing all that, which is completely understandable! I just wonder… Well, I guess I should tell you that my first major was pre-med! I wanted to be a Physician Assistant. After a year of science that I constantly studied and still didn’t make the grades that I wanted to make, I decided I needed to change majors. And I just wonder…if I would have gotten over the hump, would I still be addicted to these shows? No way, I’m sure it would drive me nuts to watch what I put up with all day long!

Will I ever go into medicine? I don’t know. After some days of uncooperative students and trying to teach, I’m thinking it sounds great. But the thought of going back to school is very unappealing! Also, if I continue to work as a teacher, I can retire in 19 years! So hmmmm….maybe I’ll just continue to teach and watch all the Discovery Health I can fit in when my family is not around! Sounds good to me!

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