Author Archives: admin

World of Coke {Staycation 2014}

Over the 4th of July we took a trip to Atlanta for a little staycation. We got the City Pass, which was a great deal and gave us plenty do. We had a great time at the World of Coke … Continue reading

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Memories in a Bottle

This blog has a new home! See this post here.

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iPhoneography {Week 29}


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Snazzy Specs

I recently took Alex to get his eyes checked again. He got an “upgrade” on his glasses and chose these snazzy specs! How grown up does he look? Ahh! Just can’t get over this boy and the fact he’ll be … Continue reading

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Kent-ography::Week 19

Kent-ography is a weekly tribute to my Dad, who lost his battle with ALS in December 2013. I wanted to feature some of his awesome photography, or as I like to call it “pics my Dad took.” Me and my … Continue reading

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Georgia Aquarium {Staycation 2014}

We recently took a trip to Atlanta over the 4th of July weekend for a little staycation. We got the City Pass, which kept us busy the 3 days we were there at a discount rate. Our first attraction was … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggin' It, On the Road Again, Other Family, Pics Pics Pics, Slider, The Fab 4 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Announcement from Alabama Women Bloggers

I wanted to help spread the exciting news! Alabama Women Bloggers is now open to ANY lady blogger, not just those in Alabama. So please come join in on the fun. Click here to read more and join. [nrelate-related]

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Life Lately #8…

Life lately has been filled with…

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iPhoneography {Week 28}

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You know you’re a Cub Scout/Boy Scout mom when….

1. An every year fall family activity is selling popcorn door-to-door through your neighborhood. 2. You have camping stuff piled up in your living room (year round). 3. You don’t think twice when your entire families clothes smell like smoke … Continue reading

Posted in Lists, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Pics Pics Pics, The Fab 4 | Tagged | Leave a comment