Author Archives: admin

Back to School {2014}

Yesterday was the first day of school and I’ve already belabored the fact I’m sick about it. Here’s my boys before their 1st day as a Junior and a 5th grader. Here’s a collection of all my Back to School … Continue reading

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Weekly Menu {August 11-15, 2014}

Hey y’all! Can you believe it’s back to school time already?!?!? So I decided with the kids going back to school today, it’s time to get everyone back into a routine. That means me too! Menu planning here I come! … Continue reading

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iPhoneography {Week 31}

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Saying Goodbye to Summertime…

As usual the summer blew by in a heartbeat and here I am, just sad that it’s over. I’m not super excited about the kids going back to school and starting their millions of extracurricular activities. All this means that … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Drew, Mama Drama, Mr. Mag, Pics Pics Pics, The Fab 4 | Tagged | 5 Comments

Five Minute Friday {Fill}

This week I’m joining the fun for Five Minute Friday. Today’s word is FILL. When I see the word FILL, I think of all the things that fill up our lives. As a society, we complain we don’t have enough … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggin' It, Lists, Me, Myself, & I | Tagged | 4 Comments

Sharing Food and Fun with Friends

Sunday, we had a great afternoon and evening visiting with our friends that came over. We’ve been talking with them about Rob’s recipe for homemade pasta called Covatelli or Covatels. Making covatels is not a meal that an individual should … Continue reading

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Kent-ography::Week 21

Kent-ography is a weekly tribute to my Dad, who lost his battle with ALS in December 2013. I wanted to feature some of his awesome photography, or as I like to call it “pics my Dad took.” I’m not exactly … Continue reading

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July’s End of the Month Summary {2014}

This month I was happy about: vacation. This month I was sad because of: random reasons…really don’t remember. Something I accomplished this month was: getting my office space moved.

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iPhoneography {Week 30}

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Kent-ography::Week 20

Kent-ography is a weekly tribute to my Dad, who lost his battle with ALS in December 2013. I wanted to feature some of his awesome photography, or as I like to call it “pics my Dad took.” I actually took … Continue reading

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