August’s End of the Month Summary

This month I was happy about: the excitement of going on the cruise.
This month I was sad about: the death of Bob Birch (Long time guitarist for Elton John) & Neil Armstrong.
Somethings I accomplished this month are: getting the soccer league pictures taken. Now when I get back, I have to finish editing and ordering and delivering.
Something new I did was: switched cable from Charter to Knology to save $50 a month!
Books I read were: none, to busy to read.
Movies I watched were:
Gnomeo & Juliet
another movie…can’t remember what it was called
TV Shows I watched were:
The Olympics
America’s Got Talent
Burn Notice
King of Queens
Drop Dead Diva
Gator Boys
Call of the Wild Man
Love in the Wild
My favorite song this month was:
What I remember about work were: training some new student workers.
A lesson I learned this month was: when you feel the urge to say no, Do it!
A friend and I: Payphone by Maroon 5
My favorite pic that I took was:
I cooked: not much of anything.
The boys: started school.
My husband: started Disciple 1 class…without me. 🙁
The thing I’ll remember most from this month was:

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