Arrow of Light Ceremony 2013

This past Saturday evening our Pack celebrated the accomplishments of 9 of scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light award. This year we did the ceremony at the Forest Ecology Preserve. Read what the Arrow of Light Ceremony/Award is here on the post from 2009, when the year TV Boy earned his arrow of light.

The Boy Scouts talking over the logistics of the ceremony.
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

The pond down the hill.
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Here’s Monkey standing next to the stack of wood that is ready to be lit.
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Time to eat!
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Boy Scouts prepare for ceremony.
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Bonfire = time for ceremony
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Boy Scouts ready for the ceremony!
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Boy Scouts marching in the beat of a drum.
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Webelos being escorted in.
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

The lighting of each smudge pot, each which stand for 7 virtues of a Boy Scout.
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Rob handing out the Arrow of Light knots and pins.
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

After everyone is escorted back to their seats, the ceremony is over.
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Last year’s ceremony
See all the pictures here.

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