
Do ever have days where everything aggravates you? It doesn’t matter what you do, you’re still aggravated, disgusted, and just fed up? Well, that was me today. I actually wake up many days like this, but today it never subsided like normal. I just looked around my house and see STUFF lying around. Christmas storage boxes, toys, trash, socks, you name it it was in the living room or the kitchen of my house! So I went on a cleaning rampage. You want to eat lunch? TOO bad!! I’m cleaning!! You want to go shopping? Go yourself! I’m cleaning!! I put all my Christmas storage boxes back out in the storage building, started taking stuff from the top of my pantry that we never use and put them in boxes so that they can be STORED somewhere else! I cleaned from underneath my microwave so that when I open up that cabinet everything doesn’t fly out at me! I started to put lots of stuff in either a “throw away” bag, a “give away” bag, or an “I’m not sure what in the heck to do with this” bag! I started cleaning my desk off. I also did 3 loads of wash, folded and hung them, and then cleaned the bathroom along with cleaning the tub! Mr. Mag went shopping, wrote our Christmas letter, decorated the stairwell with evergreens and white lights, and wrote Thank you cards. The kids, well they did their normal going back and forth arguing!

Now everyone is in bed except me! My house is still not as clean as I’d like it, so Monday since everyone else will be at work or school, I will be able to dedicate my day to what I’m best at, “cleaning”! Ugh!

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2 Responses to Aggravation

  1. Paige says:

    Wow, sounds like your aggrevation was put to good use! What a productive day!

  2. monkeygirl says:

    Yeah, it’s so frustrating when I look around my house and see nothing but crap everywhere. And when I’m cleaning, where’s the hubs? Not home.

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