My Current Obsessions

(1) Last week I discovered a very bad thing! It’s a site called:

It’s basically a place for you to “pin” pictures that you like from all over the internet onto boards that you make and categorize. Click here to see my pinterest page. I have a few invites left. If you’d like one, just comment below.


(2) A student that I work with introduced me to one of her favorite blogs, Busy Bee Lauren. Prepare yourself, if you click the link, to be addicted and not want to leave her site. I’ve already spent a couple of hours scouring her site, reading, just being in awe of her. Reasons I find her site so magnetic are she’s:

  • funny
  • a great photog
  • so creative
  • got great style
  • just so darn cute

(3) Last week I found Kate’s blog. Yet another blog that I find myself going back to everyday. Things that bring me back to her are that she’s:

  • funny
  • has nice photography
  • shows off her cute style
  • has great guest bloggers

(4) Kate was recently voted Blog of the Month on the really cool site called For the Love of Blogs, which is a place where bloggers converge to see:

  • featured bloggers
  • bloggers of the month
  • collections of great ideas with links from all over the net
  • shared ideas of how to be a better blogger

What are you current obsessions?

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One Response to My Current Obsessions

  1. Pininterest is fun isn’t it? I like blogging. Current obsessions – hmm, ice cold drinks and finishing projects… plus maybe a nap 🙂

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