2011 Ultimate Blog Party

Party, party, party! I love parties, especially ones I don’t have to get dressed up for or worry about what I’m going to wear! I participated in the 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog party back in 2008 and would have like to have participated other years, but time didn’t allow it.

Anniversary Trip

Just a quick intro about me. I met my husband of almost 14 years on the internet. We have 2 boys, ages 13 & 7. I taught elementary school for 9 years, but after being laid off in 2008 have been doing temp work to make ends meet. I also started a photography business and continue to strive to get better and better. I’m currently posting each day as part of a 365 project. Lots of fun, but some days you really have to dig deep for creativity! I also love to collect and try new recipes. I love to travel and often write about those experiences here. So my blog is a hodge podge of me and hey! What’s better than that?

My boys:

StockYards3.2011 - 159

New York

Read more about me here.

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14 Responses to 2011 Ultimate Blog Party

  1. Andrea says:

    Hi there! Following you from the Blog Party! So great to meet you!!!!

  2. Heather Barrett says:

    Hey, how r u? Here from the UBP.

  3. lindsey says:

    great blog and pictures. glad I found your blog via blog party!!

  4. Jerri says:

    Hi. I’m just stopping in from the blog party! It’s nice to meet you!

  5. Kim McCallie says:

    Hi! Stopping by from the blog party! In your first photo there, you look like you’re at one of my favorite places, the Battery in Charleston, SC! Been there many times. We’re near Savannah!

  6. Christina Almond says:

    Hi! Visiting via UBP! 🙂 Nice to “meet” you here!

  7. HI there, thanks so much for stopping by my blog during the UBP! I hope to check out your site more this week! Have a great day!


  8. Lena B says:

    Hello! Love your blog and just hit “Follow” button. Find me at http://www.way2goodlife.com
    P.S. Also if you can find a minute today and vote for me as elenka29 here http://www.mamavation.com/2011/03/vote-for-mamavation-mom-3.html
    (it’s a competition that ends 04/04 at 8 pm CT to get into fitness bootcamp for moms. There is no registration – just click and submit). Looking forward to reading more of your posts

  9. Happy UBP, girlfriend!! Hope you’re having a blast partying, blog style!! I hope you’ll stop by my place too!! xoxo.

  10. Nicole says:

    Hi, following from UBP! Would love if you come visit my little blogosphere and leave me feedback on my photos!

  11. Teresa says:

    What a fantastic party. I have am trying to read as many blogs as I can but think I am running out of time.
    I have already found some new blogs that are jewels.
    I wish there was time to read every single one….
    Hope you will stop by…I have some extra giveaways on my party post and all you have to do is comment.



  12. Hi! Swinging by from UBP! Good to meet you!!!

  13. tanya says:

    Hi! Following you from
    UBP! Hope you visit me
    and return the follow!

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