
Here’s an invite to the Ultimate Blog Party. I went last year and it was so much fun! Met lots of nice people. If you plan on going, let me know and I’ll look for you there.
Ultimate Blog Party 2008

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3 Responses to Par-tay!!!

  1. LaskiGal says:

    Oohh. I hear about this. I really want to go! I’m a teacher as well (HS–English–I know, ick . . . at least for the students) on leave to be with my 6-month old. Two boys . . . wow! Texas . . . cool!!!

  2. Jocelyn says:

    Hi, I’m inviting you to list your blog free on the mom blog directory and we have fab mom contests as well. Thank you! 🙂

  3. Rosie says:

    Oooo! I love a party! I’ll be there!

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