Feb. 4-10 Menu

Edited: crazy week! didn’t stick with menu!

Saturday – My Get away weekend…whatever Mr. Mag figures out!

Dinner – Date night

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2 Responses to Feb. 4-10 Menu

  1. Steph says:

    Oh my goodness… is that Mr. Mag dancing with you in the white/black dress?!?!?! What did you do… start dating when he was 10?!?!? 🙂

  2. Lisanne says:

    I love that your husband is in charge! hehe 🙂 Mine never cooks … well, sometimes he heats up his own dinner (leftovers) and makes scrambled eggs for breakfast. But that’s about it! That Mexican chicken bake sounds scrumptious. We had chili for dinner last night that was similar.

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