A Day Off?

Happy Veteran’s Day! Yah, so I’m off today and what have done since 8 am? Clean, wash clothes, fold & hand clothes, clean, wash clothes, fold & hand clothes! My house is just an absolute mess, but it’s slowly getting there. I’m just ticked I have to spend my day off cleaning it. I did take a break and fix lunch. I looked for a recipe for chicken salad, but came up with nothing that great. So I did some experimenting and came up with this unique recipe.

It made for a tasty treat and something different. Tonight we have pictures, I’ll let you know how that goes.

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One Response to A Day Off?

  1. Paige says:

    Your new chicken salad recipe sounds pretty good. I might have to give it a shot…minus all the peppers. Kevin wouldn’t touch it otherwise!

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