61/365.2011 {Ladder}

Today around 4:30, I’m leaving to go on my Walk to Emmaus. I will be free of cell phones, a watch, the time (period), my camera, my laptop, any electronics. I will return Saturday night. A few weeks ago when I found out that I was going, I went ahead and scheduled my posts for while I’m gone, so show me some love while I’m gone! 🙂

Omar's Lomo Photo Effectladdar

**This was my picture that I did for the January Scavenger Hunt (Ladder), but didn’t finish.

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2 Responses to 61/365.2011 {Ladder}

  1. Tracy says:

    OH I LOVE this shot.

    Great job Pre-posting.

  2. Glad you pre-posted nice to see you 🙂

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