64/365.2011 {Beloved Ladybug Pen}

This is a pre-scheduled post, since I’m away at Walk to Emmaus.

This is one of my favorite pens which was a gift from someone. Honestly, I can’t remember who gave it to me (SO not like me to not remember who gave me a gift, especially something so beautiful and something that is so beloved.) I always thought it was so pretty and when I got a case for my bible where I could keep pens, I decided this was a perfect pen to keep in there. It makes me happy every time I see it. It no longer works, but I still keep it in my bible.

Lady Bug Pen

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6 Responses to 64/365.2011 {Beloved Ladybug Pen}

  1. Candi says:

    Loving the shots that you’ve posted lately…the ones you never used for the scavenger hunt and the ones that you’ve posted while you’re away

  2. kara s. says:

    Very cool! Love this one!

  3. Tracy says:

    So pretty! Sad it doesn’t work.

  4. Kristal says:

    That is beautiful! Too bad you can’t fix it.

  5. Anita says:

    Very pretty pen. I received a pair of ladybug earrings when I was 7 for Christmas one year so ladybugs remind me of my childhood.

  6. Very pretty, sad it doesn’t work though. 🙁

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