Times up…

Uh! Today is my last day of summer…

I am still up to my eyeballs in stuff I should be doing for work. Have I done anything for work today? No! I’ve been working on my trip write up, still, and working on posting pics to flickr. I was hoping to have the post and pics completed before I head back to work. Not sure if that’s happening. I’m just realizing how boring I’ve become here on this place that’s supposed to be my blog. I’ve done a sucky job with it this summer, but I’m hoping once I get through the first few weeks of school, I can get into a groove of actually writing something a little more worth reading. 🙂 Thanks for my 4 readers, who have stuck by me through this rough time in my life. I do have some stories about this kids that I’ve been meaning to post. I’ll try to get those written soon, before I forget.

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One Response to Times up…

  1. Rockinmom says:

    I know what it is like to get swamped and neglect the blog. No worries. 🙂

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