23/365.2011 {Birthday Shortcake}

Just a quick shot of Teenager before he started to eat his strawberry shortcake. The weekend was a bit busier than I had anticipated and I didn’t get a chance to make his cake, so while we were at Publix picking up shrimp for his birthday dinner, I let him pick out a dessert. I still plan to make him a cake.

13th Birthday

For my memory’s sake, here’s what we did on his birthday:
Sunday School
Lunch at his chosen place, Shogun
Auburn vs. Tennesee Basketball women (we lost)
Cooked fried shrimp and fries for his birthday dinner
Opened presents (baskeball – homemade gift certificate for mom to take him shopping for National Championship shirt, jeans, and whatever else he wants clothing-wise – homeamade gift certificate for a Facebook account [with many rules and stipulations] – National Championship Under Armour hat [that was obviously proves that not one size fits all :(] – my first TV growing up now becomes his first TV [with many rules and stipulations])
Helped him set up his Facebook account
Rob helped him set the TV in his room

See all birthday pics here.

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4 Responses to 23/365.2011 {Birthday Shortcake}

  1. Candi says:

    Sounds like he had a good birthday with some awesome gifts
    .-= Candi´s last blog ..2011365-24 =-.

  2. Tracy says:

    Yummy…sounds like a great birthday.

  3. Kristal says:

    That is a yummy dessert! Happy birthday!
    .-= Kristal´s last blog ..365-23 =-.

  4. Happy Birthday – sounds like a good day and looks like a delicious cake.
    .-= Missus Wookie´s last blog ..365 – 025 Birds – beaks- bottoms and blurs =-.

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