22/365.2011 {National Championship Celebration}

Today was the celebration. Very moving. Took lots of pics. I couldn’t decide which pic to use. Nothing really jumped out at me so I made a collage.

My creation

See all of them here.

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3 Responses to 22/365.2011 {National Championship Celebration}

  1. Candi says:

    Great collage…I like the shot in the middle.
    .-= Candi´s last blog ..2011365-24 =-.

  2. Kristal says:

    Cool shots! Congrats to your team… but I have to say… Go Buckeyes LOL! Always bleed scarlet and gray!
    .-= Kristal´s last blog ..365-23 =-.

  3. I like the central silhouette too – congrats to your team 🙂
    .-= Missus Wookie´s last blog ..365 – 025 Birds – beaks- bottoms and blurs =-.

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