I need your prayers!

I need your prayers please! I can’t go into details right now, but I’ve had one of the worst weeks of my life. It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know there has to be light. I just need help seeing it.

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6 Responses to I need your prayers!

  1. Jamie says:

    Congrats on the house! 🙂

    I hope everything is OK.

  2. I will pray that the Holy Spirit will intercede to the Father on your behalf. Hope all is okay…

  3. Kristi says:

    You got my prayers. I really hope all is going to be ok soon!

  4. Kristi says:

    I don’t have a password so i can’t read or comment but I do hope everything is ok!

  5. Lisanne says:

    Hi there! 🙂 Oh my gosh, I have been *such* a horrible blog reader lately. I am *so* sorry. 🙁 I hope that whatever you’re going through right now will get better ASAP. Holding good thoughts for you. Congratulations on your house!!! How exciting! 🙂

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