*13/365.2011 {Assignment:Tech~Upside Down}

Here’s my Upside Down Assignment. This was taken at the Auburn University Library. When I look at it, it really plays tricks on my eyes.
Day 13 {Upside Down Assignment}

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5 Responses to *13/365.2011 {Assignment:Tech~Upside Down}

  1. Karen says:

    I can see the Librarians looking askance as you stand on your head to take this pic! I’m assuming you chose to just have the camera upside down. It does make an interesting picture, slightly disconcerting.
    .-= Karen´s last blog ..Sunset – 365-014 =-.

  2. Kristal says:

    Man… that makes my head hurt! Good job!
    .-= Kristal´s last blog ..365-14 =-.

  3. bek says:

    I love this! Great idea!
    .-= bek´s last blog ..2011365-Week 2 Sunday Assignment =-.

  4. Anita says:

    This is so cool, makes my eyes all wonky if I stare at it too long.

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