7/365.2011 {Sign}

Excuse the quality of this pic, but I took it as you can see in the dark and was in a hurry to not get hit while taking it. Yesterday, we ate at Niffer’s and I noticed this sign, but left before remembering to take a pic of it. Niffer’s is a locally owned restaurant that now has a Camburger, named after the Cam Newton. Cam Newton is Auburn’s quarterback. You may have heard of him. 😉 In fact, our governor declared tomorrow Cam Newton Day!

Day 6 {Tomorrow's Cam Newton Day}

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One Response to 7/365.2011 {Sign}

  1. Candi says:

    I can’t say that I “like” this one 😉
    .-= Candi´s last blog ..2011365-8 =-.

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