6/365.2011 {Retro Bathroom}

Ok, so yesterday I mentioned that I chickened out of taking a picture I had thought about. Today I did it. So you’ll notice that today’s picture is of a bathroom. I would have never thought I would want to take a picture of a public bathroom. If you could have seen me, going into the bathroom, going into a stall, waiting for the bathroom to clear out, frantically whipping out my camera, praying no one came in while I snapped the pics, putting my camera back in my bag, sighing with relief that no one saw me taking pics of the bathroom. haha I am in enamoured with the retro tiling. If I had a fish-eye lens, I think it would make a super cool effect.

Day 6 {Retro Bathroom}

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4 Responses to 6/365.2011 {Retro Bathroom}

  1. Kristal says:

    OH man… you are brave. And maybe strange… no kidding… cool tile
    .-= Kristal´s last blog ..365-5 =-.

  2. Candi says:

    I was wondering what you were chickening out of 🙂

    I like it too!
    .-= Candi´s last blog ..2011365-6 =-.

  3. Tracy says:

    Very cool! I do it all the time…no sweat. I even waited for a lady to finish washing her hands, so I could take the picture. Now, she did look at me like I was crazy.

  4. Jessaca says:

    Hello Magnolia Momma <—- love the name

    Stopping by to say THANKS for your comment!!! I like this photo!! I had to get over the people that think "woman with camera is wierd taking photos of odd things" a while back. If something catches my eye. I will just take a photo of it. Including people!!! LOL!!! Or I will demand that my husband stop the car so I can get out and take a quick shot of the scenery. You just gotta tell your self this is my form of art and you have to use everything that is out in the world to capture it.
    Have a great weekend

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