*2/365.2011 {Assignment:Word~2011}

Day 2 {Sunday}

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9 Responses to *2/365.2011 {Assignment:Word~2011}

  1. Kristal says:

    That is a “sweet” shot!
    .-= KristalĀ“s last blog ..365-2 =-.

  2. Diana says:

    Sweet photo! šŸ™‚
    .-= DianaĀ“s last blog ..Project 365 2011 =-.

  3. Allison says:

    I almost did this same thing. Great minds think alike right!! Sweet shot indeed.
    .-= AllisonĀ“s last blog ..365-2 =-.

  4. Candi says:

    Way to think outside the box.
    .-= CandiĀ“s last blog ..2011365-2 =-.

  5. mizhelle says:

    oh my! how i wish i could pick any of those! šŸ™‚
    .-= mizhelleĀ“s last blog ..Thank You Lord!!! =-.

  6. bek says:

    What a great idea! Love it!
    .-= bekĀ“s last blog ..2011365-Week 1 Sunday Challenge =-.

  7. kristy says:

    may everyone have such a delicious 2011!

  8. Karen says:

    What a great way to tempt everyone to break their New Year’s Resolutions! Yummy!
    .-= KarenĀ“s last blog ..Self-Portrait ā€“ 365-010 =-.

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