Delurk, delurk, delurk

Where ever and whoever you are! I almost let today go by without posting this. I didn’t realize delurking week was so early in the month.

If you’re not familiar with delurking week, it just means if you’re reading this you MUST swallow your pride and say HI, by commenting!

Let’s see if we can beat my last year’s number of delurkers, which was 23.

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9 Responses to Delurk, delurk, delurk

  1. Emily says:

    I don’t often comment here, but now that I’m using a feed reader – I hope to be more regular around here!

  2. Mrs. Flinger says:

    HI HI HI!!! Always great to stop in!

  3. Oma Flinger says:

    De-Lurking ya girlie from Texas.

  4. Becci says:

    I am officialy de-lurking…I am a new blogger, so I already know this term…do, please come visit my blog when you have time

  5. Susan says:

    It’s been a while since I’ve been around here…Glad to have stopped by and reconnected. Love the scrapblog…I’m going to have to play with that.

    🙂 Susan

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