People are going NUTs!

I got off work and went to WalMart. On my way out I saw TRAFFIC!! Backed up for quite a ways. I couldn’t figure out why till i saw the gas station. PACKED and people backed up on the roads waiting to get in. Before I left work someone said they’d heard a rumor that everywhere was running out of gas. As I drove down the street the right lane was backed up so far due to traffic waiting to turn in to numerous gas stations. It gave me chill pumps. I’m not sure why, but it did. I turned on the radio and heard that there was no gas in the southern part of our state and many stations in our area will not get anymore gas. The price went from $2.30 to $2.80 from this morning to this afternoon. But people are going NUTS and it’s crazy! It’s scary! Luckily my wonderful husband went and filled my car up yesterday! 🙂

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