My “Why Musts?”

1. Why must my children scream, yell, and hollar?

2. Why must they roll on the floor together until someone gets hurt?

3. Why must my toddler insist on butting heads with people?

4. Why must my toddler continue to put the ball in the specific spot in the corner where he can’t reach it?

5. Why must my toddler take the cheeseburger apart eat just the meat and cheese?

6. Why must I continue to get junk emails?

7. Why must I continue to get tons of Citi Card applications?

8. Why must Tom Cruise be engaged to Katie Holmes? LOL!

9. Why must my toddler try to touch, knock over, and grab everything on the table where there is drinks, remotes, coasters, etc?

10. Why must my children love to aggravate each other, which in turn aggravates me to the point of wanting to pull my hair out?

11. Why must my face break out and hurt like heck?

Not that I expect any answers…I just needed to get that out!

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