Work ramblings…

Well, back to the old grind tomorrow. Last week was filled with lots of meetings and workshops. We were allowed only a few hours to work in our rooms and plan. Luckily, I had spent quite a bit a time at home planning and quite a bit of time at school decorating and cleaning. I will say the school looks really nice with the new carpet and paint. We also got shiney new white boards. We’re each getting 27 inch TVs with DVD players installed in our rooms. Anyway, so the students come tomorrow for a full day. In the past we’ve had a half day the first day of school, which is super convenient for teachers, not necessarily for parents. Some brilliant legislator said students must be in attendance for at least 6 hours to count as a day, so no more half days for us. Alabama’s govenor also pushed to have 5 mores days of school added for students, which ended up being passed. Luckily, we got a 5% raise to offset those days.

We had our “meet the teacher” night Thursday and I had 12 students attend. Friday was registration, so I had 3 or 4 more students come by then. I think I have a pretty good class this year, from what I can tell and based on what the 4th grade teachers have said when they looked at my roles. You may hear from me tomorrow night after my first day, but then again, I may be so exhausted that I go straight to bed.

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2 Responses to Work ramblings…

  1. I hope you have a wonderful year teaching. Sorry it has been so long since I have stopped by. I haven’t been doing a lot of blogging lately being sick from pregnancy. I hope you are doing well and the boys are good. Be Blessed!

  2. Mary says:

    My daughter started on Monday as well. The teachers in 4th and 5th grade got “Smart boards” to use in class. They are these huge white electronic boards that you write on. They’re connected to a laptop. You can pick up a “colored” pen and it will write in that color and then save your work on the computer. It’s CRAZY~

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