Fall Decorations

This year is the first year of decorated for fall in several years. I love decorating for fall. It’s nothing major or extravagant. I love mums and pumpkins, but you won’t see those this year due to lack of funds. We will carve a pumpkin, but haven’t done that yet. I also love pumpkin spice candles in the fall. MMmmmmm….

Most of my Fall/Halloween decorations were gifts from past students. I also used to love to go to Big Lots and find little knick-knacks too. I have some great ideas for Fall/Halloween decorations and recipes. I’m hoping to go next week and find some good deals on the materials I need to make them. Stay tuned as I will be posting them next week.

I made that pumpkin on the right.
Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

I love candy corn! I like looking at it more than eating it. It’s just so festive and colorful!
Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

I made this black cat.
Halloween Decor

My mantle
Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

I have a few other things out, which I didn’t take pictures of. So maybe I’ll post those later. Happy Fall, Yall!

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