
Yesterday was exciting! I met Emily at Chick-Fil-A. It was my first time to meet another blogger. I also got to meet her little boy, Justice, who is just as cute as he can be. I really enjoyed having lunch with her and talking. If you haven’t met Emily, go over and say hi!

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3 Responses to Meeting…

  1. Lisanne says:

    Meeting other bloggers is sure fun! 🙂 Glad you guys had a nice time! I *love* Chick-Fil-A … *desperately* wish that we had one here.

  2. viamarie says:

    That’s interesting. Not many can meet with their blog friends.

    It’s Saturday and my SPH is up now.

  3. What a great time visiting with you on Wed.! I so enjoyed it. Being a stay at home mom is tough with little adult interaction during the day and it was such a treat for me. Your boys are adorable and very well behaved I might add. Bright and sweet too. Talk soon!

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