What have you done for me lately?

I’ve been so busy the last few days, I haven’t made time to blog! I’m so tired right now though, blogging is about the only thing I can do! Look at what I’ve done.

  • uncluttered top of fridge
  • uncluttered top of pantry
  • organized Rubbermaid/medicine cabinet
  • went through all my cookbooks; kept a few, taking most to my classroom for different uses
  • uncluttered top of microwave
  • made these
  • oh yah, working on this
  • cleaned out old binders and clearing shelf space
  • going through filing cabient, boxing up old stuff, throwing away stuff, reorganizing files
  • order photos from Clark Photo
  • clean out desk (still finishing up on)
  • Would like to do before summer is over:

  • get my rings resized
  • clean Monkey Boy’s room; bag up toys he doesn’t play with
  • clean out closet; bag up clothes not worn anymore
  • clean off top of dresser
  • dust
  • organize pantry
  • take stuff to Goodwill
  • This entry was posted in Cleaning, Cooking, Eat?, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

    One Response to What have you done for me lately?

    1. Rachael says:

      I have a list so similar to that, but none of them are crossed off LOL! Its hard with two babies I tell ya.

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