Summer Days

Summer 06 - Day 2

Our 2nd of Summer Days…Today we started the morning by going to Town Creek Park and walked. We took some pictures along the way. Here’s the boys while resting on a bench. After that we went home and made homemade Strawberry-Lemonade Icies. Here’s a picture of Monkey Boy showing off the fact he gets to drink out of a big boy cup! The walk really stirred up our appetite so we went to Red Lobster with Mr. Mag for lunch. After lunch we came home only to struggle with MB, who didn’t want to take a nap! I finally got him down for a good nap and then, when he got up we had our Rock out – Dance out – Sing along session! It was so much fun. Then, TV Boy played his last soccer game for the Spring season.

Summer 06 - Day 2

Click here to see the Strawberry Lemonade Icies recipe.

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