My Personal DNA

I was over at Susan’s Blog and saw her DNA square on her sidebar. I decided to check the link out. You go through 10 pages of questions. It kind of takes awhile, but I didn’t have anything better to do. It says I’m a Generous Leader! Hmph!

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3 Responses to My Personal DNA

  1. Mary says:

    Hi – I found your blog via Susan’s blog! Great to meet you! Awesome site – Come visit me sometime!

  2. Hello there, very interesting.
    -You have been tagged, come visit my blog.

  3. Susie says:

    I tagged you too, but I also wanted to say IS THAT YOU AND BRIAN KILMEADE at the Fox News Channel!??! How cool is that?! I have to go there before I die and have my picture made with Shepard Smith. Neato! 🙂

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