Shaken by Tim Tebow

Have you ever been felt like you’ve been punched in the gut by life’s circumstances and you shout to the Lord asking “Why, God, why? I thought we were in this together?” In this book by the Heisman winning Tim Tebow he talks about his life and his big plans. In his latest book called Shaken, Tim shares personal stories of how God is constantly working in his life even through the disappointment, criticism, and media attacks. Tim shares many powerful stories from other folks as well which I found to be inspiring. While reading this book, I continued to make notes of some of the great points, Tim makes as well as the many inspirational quotes that were sprinkled throughout the stories of heartache, triumph, and redemption.

While there is nothing earth-shattering about this book, I believe that most people would find this book motivating, clever, and thought provoking.

I am thankful for Blogging for Books who sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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