Happy Cooking {Review}

I’ve always been a fan of Giada De Laurentiis, so when I saw she a new cookbook coming out that I could review, I was ecstatic! Happy Cooking: Make Every Meal Count … Without Stressing Out is music to my ears! I love to cook, but when you’re a busy mom who works full time and wants to have home cooked meals on the table most nights, I was curious to see what tips, tricks, and recipes Giada shared. She breaks the book into 10 chapters, starting with Breakfast and ending with Treats & Sweets. In the Breakfast chapter, she shares recipes for everything from smoothies to crepes. She labeled the recipes that Gluten-Free (GF), Vegeterian (V), and Vegan (v). I love that there’s lost of gorgeous pictures throughout the book as well.

Happy Cooking is a book I’m going to hold on to, because the recipes look simple enough to use on busy nights. I’m anxious to try to the Smoky Candied Carrots on p. 207 as well as the Pasta Pizza on p. 132. The Orange Cream Butter Cookies (p. 278) are on my list for Christmas cookies to make this year. You definitely need to check out this cookbook, which is Giada’s 8th cookbook. I venture to say it’s probably her best!

I am thankful for Blogging for Books who sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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