Grill It, Braise It, Broil It {a review}

Grill It, Braise It, Broil It by the American Heart Association is paperback cookbook jammed packed with healthy recipes that cover 12 techniques. Slow cooking, microwaving, blending, grilling, stir-frying, braising, stewing, steaming, poaching, broiling, roasting, and baking are the cooking methods that are used for the recipes. If you are in need of a new grill check out these helpful reviews of BBQ grills. With this being a cookbook that promotes good health, I really appreciate that they include the nutritional data. This book is completely black and white except for 3-4 page section with a few pictures. That doesn’t hinder my desire to cook from this book though, because the recipes sound easy and delicious!

I think this will become one of my go-to cookbooks, because the majority of the ingredients are ones that are not hard to find and I’m that familiar with. That is always an important aspect of a cookbook to me as well as the ‘cookability.’ These techniques can all be accomplished by beginner to intermediate level cooks. I’m adding the Southwestern Sweet Potatoes in the Slow Cooking chapter on p. 28, the Orange-Apricot Smoothies in the Blending chapter on p. 65, and the Green Beans in Spicy Sauce in the Stir-Frying section on p. 113 to my menu very soon! I think my husband will be anxious for me to try the Thai-Style Chicken Potstickers from the Steaming chapter on p. 163-164.

I am thankful for Blogging for Books who sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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