Milk Bar Life {review}

Christina Tosi recently published her 2nd cookbook Milk Bar Life: Recipes & Stories. Her first one was called Momofuku Milk Bar, which I have not read. After reading this book, I’m definitely going to have to get my hands on that one for sure! I love that the first chapter of this books is called “Hand-Me_Downs,” which are recipes from that have been passed down through her family, which covers a wide variety of recipes from Hanky-Pankies to Buckeyes. The next chapter is called A Cookie A Day and if this is any indication of what her first book was like, I’m going to love it! Mixed Nut Turtles on p. 51 and Citrus Cookies on p. 61 are two recipes that are calling my name. This cookbook is really like no other I’ve seen, at least no recently. Christina really shows her personality throughout this book with pictures of sitting on grocery cart at the beginning of her Supermarket chapter to her dressed like R. Kelly at the beginning of the Freakin’ Weekend Chapter.

I found this cookbook to be a refreshing change to the normalacy of the every day cookbook. From the aforementioned pictures and the cute chapter names, Christina really brings fun to this cookbook. I’m anxious to try several of her recipes, like the Overnight Chicken Soup on p. 152, the Banana Hammock Pizza on p. 235, and the Desperation Nachos on p. 132. Anyone looking for a fresh and fun cookbook should definitely check this on out!

I am thankful for Blogging for Books who sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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