Treat {Review}

Treat: 50 Recipes for No-Bake Marshmallow Treats by Stephanie Banyas is cute little book chop full of no-bake marshmallow treats. In the introduction, Banyas gives tips about the best tips for melting marshmallows as well as chocolate. From there, she shares the classics with a few with twists. I love the next section that updates the classics.

My favorite chapter in the book is the “Candy Store Favorites.” Chocolate Caramel, and Peanut Treats on p. 44 and the Treats Bark with nuts and dried fruit on p. 53 are 2 recipes that are on my must try dessert list! The Berry Cobbler Treats on p. 62 and the Blackout Treats on p. 74 look interesting as well. I highly recommend this to anyone who loves Rice Crispy Treats!

I am thankful for Blogging for Books who sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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