31 Days of Must Read Cookbooks {Day 6}

31 Days Of Must Read Cookbooks

I’m taking part in the 31 days challenge this year. As a collector of great cookbooks, I decided to share 31 must read cookbooks. Some of these books will be books that are part of my collection that I have found useful through the years, while others are books I come across in the library.

The Moosewood Cookbook

Today I’m sharing a book I found in the library called The Moosewood Cookbook. Although, the cover is plain when I flipped through the pages I was totally intrigued. I loved the handwritten look of everything from the recipes to the crafty little drawings.
The Moosewood Cookbook

It’s another book based off a restaurant. The Moosewood Restaurant is located in Ithaca, New York. Mollie Katzen is the editor and illustrator for the book. She was a cook at Moosewood for 4 and half years.

Here’s the 1st and last page of the table of contents.
The Moosewood Cookbook

More info about the book and the restaurant.
The Moosewood Cookbook

This book is a must read cookbook because although, it’s just black and white, the drawings are really cute. There’s a wide range of recipes that look quite interesting. I’m really wanting to try the Homemade Tortillas and the Miso soup. Not together, of course. 🙂

Click here to see other must read cookbooks!


Here’s a few of my favorite 31 Days posts:

*affiliate links included

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