Acolyting at Church

At the end of the summer, Monkey went to acolyte training at church. A few weeks ago, he and all the new acolytes were installed and recognized. He received his cross.
Acolyte Installation and Recognition

Acolyte Installation and Recognition

Acolyte Installation and Recognition

Here’s the entire group of new acolytes.
Acolyting Group

Last Sunday was his first opportunity to acolyte. He was in charge of lighting the candles and he did a marvelous job.

1st time to Acolyte

1st time to Acolyte

1st time to Acolyte

For those of you unfamiliar with acolyting, I believe that acolytes are used in many denominations. In the Methodist church, acolytes help throughout the service by lighting candles, carrying the cross and banner down to the alter, assisting with communion, and handling the offering plates.

We never had Teenager serve as an acolyte, so I’m happy to have Monkey helping to serve the church. I know he learned so much more about our church services and will learn during his time as an acolyte.

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