I’m so excited…I can’t even type!!

One of my best friends from high school, Katie, has been trying to get pregnant for a quite a long time. She finally made the decision to have in vitro and it worked!!!!! She’s pregnant with twins and is due in October! So one of my predictions for 2006 has come true! I just wish I lived closer to her. It’s things like this that really make me miss being in Texas!

Anyway…Let’s give a big Congratulations to Katie and Cody!!!

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4 Responses to I’m so excited…I can’t even type!!

  1. Seuss says:

    Oh how cool for them! Here’s hoping all goes well with them and their babies! YAY!

  2. Oma Flinger says:

    I live in that enormous state so I can hug that baby for you…ok, not the same. I feel your pain, my sweeties are a couple thousand miles away from me.

  3. monkeygirl says:

    Looks like there’s a lot going on in Texas these days!!

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