Prayers for another Blogger :-) **Sticky**

**UPDATE 2/28**
He had his surgery today. Read more on her site! They need continued prayers.

**UPDATE 2/24**
She gave birth to him this morning. You can check out her site for updates!

Snazzykat, who is one of my newest bloggers that I read, is due to have a baby boy, Sammy, any time now. As any expecting mom would be she is very anxious to give birth, but probably even more so because Sammy has a serious congenital heart defect, HLHS. He will need open heart surgery soon after birth. Even though I haven’t met her in person, I think and pray for her everyday.

Please pass this on, even if you don’t read her blog, prayers can only help!

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6 Responses to Prayers for another Blogger :-) **Sticky**

  1. Liz says:

    I posted on my blog as well. Let’s start a prayer chain through blogland.

  2. Oma Flinger says:

    You got it tiny Sammy. Prayers are very strong medicine. I’ll pass the message along too.

  3. Pingback: Geek Habitat » Prayer Chain

  4. BeckiK says:

    I read snazzy and I’m praying for them!

  5. Lauren says:

    Of course I’ll say a prayer for both of them….Thanks for Letting us know 🙂

  6. sherri says:

    Hello there –
    I hope everything with your blogging friend turns out AOK! I googled myself and found your blog again 🙂 Hope all is going well there – teaching and such! I’ll be in Auburn for 3 days for a transition conference in March. I enjoy it because it’s OUT in the woods and nice and quiet 🙂 Happy Friday to you.

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