Skyview Atlanta {Staycation 2014}

Skyview Atlanta (by Magnolia Mom)

While we were on our little staycation trip in Atlanta, one thing on our list to do was ride the Skyview Atlanta, ferris wheel. Its located right in the heart of Atlanta on Luckie St. beside the Tabernacle. Although, a bit pricey, its one of those things you say you could live without doing, but it’s well worth it. You get beautiful views as you leisurely, move through 4 complete rotations of the wheel.

I am a bit leery of heights, but thought I could stomach it. I’ll have to say that I buried my head in Rob’s chest for the first minute or so, until I mustered up enough courage. I was glad Rob coaxed me into looking up because there are some nice views when you’re up top.

View from Skyview Atlanta

My kids with Rachel

My kids with Rachel on Skyview Atlanta

Skyview Atlanta

Interesting facts about the Skyview.

Skyview Atlanta

As much as I’m surprised to hear myself say this, I’d like to do it again, but this time at night. Seeing Atlanta all lit up from the top would be spectacular. Either in the light or at night, I’d recommend you do this at least once. I can at least mark it off my bucket list!

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9 Responses to Skyview Atlanta {Staycation 2014}

  1. Heather says:

    How pretty. Atlanta is such a fun place to visit even without this so next time, I’m in!

  2. Alli says:

    I would love to ride it at night. My BFF lives in midtown and I never tire of her view when I visit.

  3. Tara Simone says:

    This looks like fun! I haven’t been to Atlanta in a while, so this would be something I’d do for my next visit!

  4. AdeDoyin says:

    As often as I go to Atlanta, I’ve never been on the Skyview. I’ll have to check it out next time!

  5. You’ve taken some great snaps. How long has the wheel been there. I don’t remember it being there while I was in Atlanta. I haven’t been on a Ferris Wheel in a looooooong time. I think I’d be a bit scared now.

  6. This looks like a ton of fun! If I am ever in ATL I will have to check it out!

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