Jackson, Mississippi

I’m starting a new series to take my Thursday spot, since I retired Kent-ography. A few weeks ago I came to discover back when I started my blog, I didn’t post pictures or really talk about trips much. I decided I want to have all those memories on here and share all the “Places I’ve Been!”

This first week I’m sharing our stops in Jackson, MS. When we travel to Fort Worth, TX we often use Jackson, MS as a mid-way stopping point. Back in 2005, we stopped there and planned to spend the night and go to a Mississippi Braves Game. The Mississippi Braves play in Pearl, MS which is just a few miles outside of Jackson at Trustmark Park. I love going to minor league baseball parks, because they are so easy to get in and out of; more like a college ball park than a major league park with 1,000s upon 1,000s of people.
Mississippi Braves At Trustmark Park - Jackson, MS

We went back to Jackson as well as Trustmark Park in 2010. Read about that here.

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