Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket List

Now that we’re in our 2nd full week of summer, I thought I’d better go ahead and post my Summer Goal Bucket List

– Make a Strawberry Crisp, similar to this one.
– Read three good novels.
– Go on a family hike.
– Make snow cones with the boys.
– Have a getaway weekend with Rob or at least 2 date nights.
– Have a dedicated cleaning day with each boy and do a deep clean and organizing of their rooms.
– Make popsicles.
– Make root beer floats.
– Go on a quick family trip somewhere fun.
– Teach the boys how to make strawberry pie.
– Water balloon target practice.
– Have a meal/snack from a food truck.
– Be able to run a 5K without dying by the end of the summer (wish me luck).

What do you want to do while this summer?

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