ScoutFest at Auburn City Fest {2013}

This was the 2nd year that our BSA district participated in the Auburn City Fest. Rob was in charge of the “ScoutFest” again this year.
ScoutFest @ Auburn City Fest 2013

Teenager on the Monkey Bridge, that everyone got to do this year thanks to a simple modification (Although, you can’t seem them in this pic. They put wood chips underneath it).
ScoutFest @ Auburn City Fest 2013

Trebuchet Setup

Teenager’s Troop demonstrated the football catapult.
ScoutFest @ Auburn City Fest 2013

Trebuchet in Action

Teenager participated in the morning version of “Are You Tougher than a Boyscout?” Watch 3 out of the 4 competitions:
Stretcher Race

Tripod Race

Tent Relay

Later that day, after I got there, I got to watch the afternoon version of “Are You Tougher than a Boy Scout?”
ScoutFest @ Auburn City Fest 2013
Teenager gets to relax and just observe the afternoon show.

ScoutFest @ Auburn City Fest 2013

ScoutFest @ Auburn City Fest 2013

ScoutFrest @ Auburn City Fest 2013
See more pics from ScoutFest here.

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