Beach Trip 2009::Orange Beach, AL

I had a great post written about our trip to Orange Beach, AL a few weeks ago and it went *poof* before I got to post it. So let’s see if I can remember what I had talked about…grrrr.

We left Friday around noon and headed to Orange Beach for some fun and soccer. We didn’t get far before we had to stop because the truck was over-heating. Luckily we were close enough to Montgomery that we could turn around and find a place to go. We ended up at a car repair place in downtown thanks to AAA, which is a whole entry unto itself! We were able to walk to Daisy’s Diner. Great little place and lots of food for the money. Our stop in Montgomery set us back about 3 hours, but ended up in Orange Beach about dinner time. We went to a place that was recommended to us by the hotel called Bubba’s Seafood House. I had the Blackened Fish and it was really tasty.

When we got into town, we saw sidewalks covered in water from all the rain. Thursday before we left we wondered if we’d even go, because of the torrential rains that were supposed to occur all weekend. Just looking around at all the water we had it in our minds there would be no way the boys would play. Saturday morning Rob woke up and looked on the net to see that the games were delayed an hour. So we showed up then to find amazingly dry fields! No mud, no water flying everywhere.

This is how it looked before we left the hotel.

Orange Beach Trip

The rest of the weekend was wonderful. Time on the beach, going out with the team, and a tournament Championship!

Saturday night’s dinner was at The Shrimp Basket.
Then, to The Track for some go-cart driving.

Orange Beach Trip

Looking for shells along the beach

Orange Beach Trip

Braving the very cold waters!

Orange Beach Trip

Making sandcastles and digging holes

Orange Beach Trip

Monkey Boy’s first ride on a big rollercoaster and probably last for awhile!

Monkey boy's first ride on a big rollercoaster!

Orange Beach Trip

A game of Putt-Putt at Waterville

Orange Beach Trip

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One Response to Beach Trip 2009::Orange Beach, AL

  1. Jane says:

    Hi there!
    My name is Jane and I’m with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Orange Beach to share on our site and I came across your post…If you’re open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!

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