
Friday night, TV Boy said, “Mom, you gotta look in my folder. There’s something important in there!” I asked him to bring it to me and I found an envelope with his full name printed neatly on the front. I opened it up as a large lump found it’s home on my throat. I was pretty nervous with anticipation! Inside were 2 blue sheets of paper. One was a letter from his teacher, Ms. B, which said she would be taking a leave of absence to seek medical treatment and proper recovery. Ms. B had been out quite a bit before Christmas with what we thought was just a virus. However, the letter didn’t indicate what was wrong.

The other letter was from his new teacher, who was the ISS teacher. I told TV Boy what the letters said and he screamed out, “NOOOOOOOO! She’s mean!!” I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it here, but Ms. B was ranked way up there in the teacher world by TV Boy! She ranks right up there with his Kindergarten teacher, who absolutely hung the moon in his eyes. So to see Ms. B go is quite devastating! We’ll see how it goes and I’ll keep you updated…

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One Response to Devastation…

  1. R*belle says:

    Gulp! Hope it goes ok! Of course at least he isnt being sent TO ISS!

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