WordPress 2.0

Ok, so WP 2.0 sounds great! But I’m scared to death to do it, because I’m afraid I’ll fark something up! For those that have updated let me know what you think and if there’s anything I should know. I’ve read the upgrading instructions here!

UpDaTeD—>After reading, this, I’ve decided to be patient and hold off. Still feel free to let me know what you think about WP 2.0. If anyone uses Fantastico, I’d love to hear if you had any problems, since that’s how my WP was installed. 🙂

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One Response to WordPress 2.0

  1. Rachael says:

    I updated behind the scenes to 2.0 so i could do post levels. The only thing that didn’t work with it was in some themes my categories and or archives weren’t transportedo ver (or whatever happens to them lol). I mean they were still in WP, but not displaying correctly. It is awesome though. A lot more user friendly and more high tech looking in the admin lol. ANYWAY, I am still holding off on upgrading my other two blogs because I am scared lol.

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